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Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports
Home of the Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club and TCYSS SCTP Team


Next Davie Co 4-H Shooting Sports Club Events
Fun Shoot- April 12th- 10:00am to Noon
Regular 4-H Meeting-April 14th at 6:00pm-8:00pm (or dark whichever comes first)

All members must be current with 4-H. Please go to:  

Home of The Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club and The TCYSS Range


Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports operates entirely from Donations, Grants and Fundraisers. Help support the future of Youth Shooting Sports...It's Tax Deductible!

Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports was established in 2012 in memory and honor of our beloved son and big brother Thomas "Tom" Cowden. Tom was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer just after his 13th Birthday and died a little over 2 years later after fighting so bravely. Tom endured multiple surgeries, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy and more than any child should ever endure! 


Tom loved scouting, 4-H, animals, video games and anything that could produce a projectile. With those things in mind we started TCYSS to provide area kids with opportunities to learn firearm and archery safety and skills that they can use throughout their lives. We created and maintain a shooting range with a rifle/pistol range, archery range and a shotgun field for Trap, 5-Stand and Wingshooting Scenarios. TCYSS supports and hosts the Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club, A Scholastic Clay Target Program Team, The NC 4-H Hunting Skills Team, 4-H Summer Fun Day and Davie County Recreation and Parks Programs and works with other organizations that work with youth, including area Wildlife Teams. We provide high quality firearms and archery instruction with an emphasis on Safety. We welcome all youth between the ages of 8-18 regardless of race, creed, religious affiliation, national origin or ability to pay. In fact, to date TCYSS has worked with hundreds of kids without ever charging or requiring any fees or dues. TCYSS is a Public Tax Exempt 501(c)3 Corporation and is supported entirely from gifts, donations and grants. TCYSS has no paid or financially compensated employees. All instructors are certified through the NRA, 4-H and or NC WRC and work solely as volunteers. We have no political affiliations or objectives. Our Mission is simply Positive Youth Development through Youth Shooting Sports.


What your Donations do...

TCYSS provides the total support for the Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club. That includes providing the Range, Equipment, Ammunition, Targets and High Quality Instruction. Kids can join and come to a 4-H Meeting with nothing but a clear mind and the clothes on their back and we will provide anything and everything they need to learn to shoot Rifle, Shotgun, Archery, Pistol etc...None of our Instructors are paid. We have no Paid Employees. We get most of our Ammunition and Targets through the generosity of the Friends of the NRA. . All donations go into maintaining and growing our Programs. We even currently pay the Entry fees and provide ammunition for 4-H Tournaments and even pay the Memberships for any 4-H Member who wants to join our Scholastic Clay Target Program (STCP) Team. We would love to get to a point where we can pay the entry fees for SCTP Shoots and provide ammunition for those as well. Someday! 

So if you can donate a little or a lot click on the button above. If anyone is interested in becoming a Business or Corporate Sponsor, we are a 501(c)3 registered charity. Please contact us and we will do everything in our power to be a good partner and promote your business too!

Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports is now aligned with the MidwayUSA Foundation, which is a great Program. Our supporters can make a Tax Deductible Donation to our Endowment Fund, which in turn MidwayUSA Foundation will supplement, often doubling or tripling the amount, TCYSS can then request up to 5% of our Endowment Annually. The Gift that keeps on giving!! MidwayUSA Foundation supports many Youth Shooting Sports Teams and Organizations across the country including both 4-H Shooting Sports and SCTP. MIdwayUSA Foundation was founded by the Potterfield Family, Founders of MidwayUSA Company, a great source for shooting and outdoor equipment! If you would like to make a"one-time" or "re-curring" 

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