Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports
The Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club meets the second Monday and 4th Tuesday April through September at 6:30 pm and has a Fun Shoot on the Second Saturday every month except January at 10 am, Come out an join us!

To Join us with the Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club, contact the Davie County Extension Office, located at 642 Wilkesboro St, Mocksville, NC 27028 or call 336-753-6100. . Our 4-H Agent is Danny Lough and he will be more than happy to help! Or for for more information go to our Contacts Page!
Do you have or know a kid who loves the outdoors, has an interest in Shooting Sports or Hunting? Have we got THE CLUB for Them!!! NO EXPERIENCE OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY!!
Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports supports and hosts the Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club. The DC 4-H Shooting Sports Club is open to all kids ages 8-18. Our Goal is strictly Positive Youth Development. Our focus is always Safety First and having Fun. We offer Competitive Opportunities for those interested and an opportunity to just have fun learning new skills and responsibility for those who are not.
We participate in Smallbore Rifle (.22 LR), Archery, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Hunting Skills and for those 14 and over we offer Smallbore Pistol. We send Competitors to 3 major 4-H Tournaments Annually. The NC 4-H Hunting Skills Tournament in January, the Regional 4-H Shooting Sports Tournament in August and for those that qualify at the Regional, they can go on to the State 4-H Shooting Sports Tournament in September. We have also sent members to the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championsips in Grand Island, Nebraska for Muzzleloader, Air Pistol, Hunting Skills, Shotgun, Smallbore Rifle and Smallbore Pistol over the past 6 years. All of our Instructors are certified by 4-H as well as by other agencies. Most importantly, NO EXPERIENCE NECCESSARY!!! WE WILL PROVIDE EVERYTHING YOU NEED!!
For more experienced Shotgun Shooters, we also host a Scholastic Clay Target Program Team under the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation that competes in Sporting Clays, Skeet and Trap. No tryouts, all are welcome ages 8-21 and free membership for 4-H Members.
TCYSS Pays for all 4-H Entry Fees and will Provide Ammunition if needed.
SCTP Team Members are required to pay their Entry Fees for Competitions and provide their own ammunition for Shoots

The TCYSS Range located at 210 Amber Hill Rd, Yadkinville, NC (is in the very NW corner of Davie County, North Carolina. Currently we have a 100yd Rifle/Muzzleloader/Pistol Range. A 40yd Archery Range and a Shotgun Field where we can set up for ATA Trap, "Hunter ED Trap", 5-Stand and Wingshooting Scenarios.
The TCYSS Range is home to the Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club, 4-H Summer Fun and Davie Co Recreation And Parks Day Camps, The RJ Reynolds High School Hunter Ed Team, The NC 4-H Hunting Skills Team, NC 4-H Pistol Team and NC 4-H Shotgun Team. We also host the annual NC 4-H Shooting Sports Tournament and offer our services to any responsible Youth Program that requests our facility and services.
The TCYSS Range has a small clubhouse/classroom, Restroom, covered shelter and a fire pit and sheltered 5-Stand Stations. We have 13 Automatic Traps, 3-D Archery Targets and much more. If you work with a Youth Group that would be interested in coming out and shooting anything we offer please contact us!

If you or someone you know is a Supporter of Youth Shooting Sports, please Join the Facebook Group Youth Shooting Sports to Keep everyone updated on the good things going on...Here is the Link: Youth Shooting Sports